When one thinks of Progressive rock music one thinks of the seventies and fanciful tales of far off lands, of being close to the edge down by a river where confusion could well be your epitaph. It was easy to immerse your psyche in a Roger Dean landscape where dragons come out of the sky …
Category: Reviews
Prog Reviews, Prog Music Reviews
Aug 13 2020
Abel Ganz | The Life Of A Honeybee And Other Moments Of Clarity
Every once in a while something comes along that forces you to over use the volume of your favorite music device. One such thing is a new album The Life Of A Honeybee And Other Moments Of Clarity by Scottish band Abel Ganz. To think it was something I missed out on for a while …
Mar 26 2020
Pendragon | Love Over Fear
I was one of the lucky punters who were on board with Pendragon from the get go. I remember buying the bands earlier albums via CD services up in Dundee including their EP’s, my favorite being Good As Gold/Paint box. I had the Toff Records flyers up until recently though sadly like so many …
Mar 15 2020
Ms Amy Birks | All That I Was & All That I Was
Let’s put this out there from the beginning shall we? Kate Bush fans form an orderly clue. For lovers of Kate’s work and style there is now once again a young and vibrant exponent of storytelling and musical theatrics. Ms Amy Birks first came to my attention as singer and song writer with the rather …
Jan 30 2020
Panoply | Transcript
Panoply is the name used by one time Quasar guitarist Kevin Fitzgerald to channel his multi layered compositions of both long and short form musical sketches. According to my copy of The Little Oxford dictionary Panoply means “full armour, complete or splendid array”. Indeed I can see why Kevin would use such a title as …
Dec 13 2019
Glorious Wolf | Zodiac
Glorious Wolf is the name under which guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Ruud Dielen records some interesting and beguiling music. Ruud contacted me some time ago informing me of an album he was working on and kindly sent me some tasters. So intriguing were they that I played them on my show on www.progzilla.com . Hailing from …
Oct 14 2019
Gu-Ru | Hey Now People (single)
I have long held the view that as well as creating and listening to music of any genre should be a positive experience and that time whenever possible to have fun with it should be taken. Recently I have received news of three projects that have been recorded purely as fun and as a consequence …
Sep 08 2019
Flutatious | Festival
Ever heard a tune on the radio or at a friend’s house and thought “I’ve heard that tune before”? Well, such a thing happened to me recently when I heard a track from the new album by London based band Flutatious. Turns out I had already heard a couple of tracks on various samplers though …