Category: Reviews

Prog Reviews, Prog Music Reviews

Nick Magnus | A Strange Inheritance

When composer/keyboard player Nick Magnus launches new work upon his loyal fan base and indeed the world in general it is to be greeted with the respect that Mr Magnus has earned over the years. Nick earned his spurs as a touring keyboard player for The Enid and the legendary Steve Hackett before embarking on …

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Starlite And Campbell | Starlite.One

Every once in a while when least expected, something that really resonates on a musical level comes along. On the face of things at first impressions Starlite And Campbell look to be a couple you would expect to see playing the club circuit. To realize this is not so then you must really take the …

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Making Shore | Damanek

Fate can play a part in many successful ventures whether it be a windfall of some kind or the receipt of positive news. One such case is that of Damanek, the members of which met whilst playing in separate bands at Summers End festival in the UK. Three albums on and shedding one of the …

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Dreaming David K | Dreams Of Progress

Dreams Of Progress is the second album by Dreaming David K arriving at Progmeister towers some weeks ago and received a fair bit of play before I set about reviewing it. A quick reminder for those who missed my review of the first album or those new to Dreaming David K the nucleus of the …

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The Tangent | Songs From The Hard Shoulder.

  I was with the Tangent from the get go all those years ago despite in a totally inappropriate way.  I was given the bands first album The Music That Died Alone By a then friend who to my horror had downloaded it from a site called Bit Torrent. I say horror because this is …

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Dark Before Dawn | Tony Patterson & Doug Melbourne.

  Being part of a band who play complex early seventies progressive music with a high degree of accuracy and a steady fan base can sometimes hide from public view the real talent that lay behind such ventures. Tony Patterson and Doug Melbourne were until these past few years two fifths of Re-Genesis one of …

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Innocence And Illusion | Amanda Lehmann

Rhythm guitarists always get a bad deal when it comes to recognition within the context of their contribution to most bands especially in a live setting. Least of all within the confines of progressive rock, a predominantly male orientated genre of music. So, imagine to my surprize well over ten years ago that gracing the …

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Allium Una Storia | Tillison Reingold Tiranti (TRT)

  Back in 1973 when I bought my copy of Brain Salad Surgery by Emerson Lake & Palmer I was intrigued by the information circulated at the time of it’s release with regards the bands own label, Manticore. Signed to their new venture was King Crimson adjunct Pete Sinfield, a Italian band called Banco and …

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