Category: Blog

2023, a great year for music.

2023 has been a somewhat bizarre year thus far. The phrase life gets in the way is a phrase I seem to be using more and more as the years go by. As I steam ferociously towards my retirement I am constantly informed by friends and colleagues that I need to have a plan. This …

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Far from the madding crowd

At what point in time is it that on reflection you cannot identify when a change in your outlook and general demeanour occurred? And whenever it began what if anything was the catalyst? As the mind and body get older natural changes take place due to the ageing process, of this I am aware although …

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The Progmeister in a changing world.

As life trundles on I find myself adopting attitudes I have failed miserably to avoid that represented the very few negatives of my late parents persona. I have always been keen to be accepting of modern ways life and the innovation brought about by modern youth. However, life isn’t evolving the way I thought it …

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Two camps of The Progmeister

2023 finds me reflecting more and more on the positive things that happened in the past to stave off the dark forebodings incurred by the current state of the world. After well over forty years as a health professional and well over fifty odd years of being a music fanatic I find myself in the …

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What a year eh?

What a year eh? The beginning of what could still be World War 3, the tanking of our economy, the Boris Johnson debacle and the ensuing political fallout with the revolving door prime ministers and not least the passing of the queen and all that went along with that. Forgive me if I left anything …

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HRH Prog a sad disappointment.

What i know about HRH Prog you could write on the back of a postage stamp. I remember with fondness attending one of their events in Sheffield a few years back using a one of their now infamous free tickets won by my good friend Johnny Blakey which for some strange reason you paid for. …

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The Progmeister in a world of his own.

Depressing times with the state of the economy and the war waged on Ukraine by Russia. 2022 is proving to be a real bummer in so many ways for so many people. I attended the funeral of a fiend and joined the legions of hip pain sufferers sleeping even less than I was a year …

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The shrinking world of The Progmeister.

Talented? Hell no, good at anything? Well, I would have to think about that. I have struggled academically all my life one way or another. However, I was born with compassion, love and the want to be liked in my soul. It is a very frustrating thing indeed to lack the numerical prowess and mental …

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