OK, the stuff i play on my show is in my head is simply the best. I have no doubt we all feel thesame way? With this in mind i will this month venture more into the things that i love to hear and not just the requests and new music i am sent to …
Sep 16 2017
Gentle Giant | Three Piece Suite
I recently received a parcel from BJFPR containing a rather intriguing two disc digipak entitled Three Piece Suite. I was all the more intrigued as I glanced at the rear of the beautifully presented case and read through the myriad of tracks in their many guises. Three Piece Suite it turns out is selected tracks …
Aug 31 2017
Steven Wilson | To The Bone
Like many prog fans I was at work when Steven Wilson appeared on BBC breakfast news. And like many I suspect felt robbed of the experience. Thank goodness for BBC i-player eh? I listened and watched intently as the current messiah of Prog spoke and conducted himself so eloquently. As Steven discussed his new album …
Aug 27 2017
Doug Melbourne | How Much Do We Get For This Gig Anyway?
Having recently read Greg Lake’s biography and that of Phil Collins I was about ready for another book to read. As luck had it I was checking out my social media page when amongst the myriad of posts I happened upon one containing an image of a book that looked like it would just fit …
Aug 25 2017
August Progcast
Summer steams towards Autumn with a vengeance. Yes summer, there it was gone! As the bank holiday weekend approaches with it comes the risk of rain and DIY projects unless of course you are braving the many overcrowded shopping malls. What ever your plans have a great weekend. If you are confined to quarters why …
Jul 27 2017
Ra Revisited
I have recently started to revisit some albums that i always get a great deal of joy out of listening to for whatever reason i am inspired to listen to them for. This is important as i sometimes listen to music in order to review it or play on my radio show. Sometimes i forget …
Jul 17 2017
July’s Show
Well, that’s Wimbledon out of the way for another year and the disappointing cricket done and dusted for a wee while. It’s been a great summer for music what with Glastonbury and all and i do feel inspired by that. Thanks for those who tuned in to last months three hour classic rock special. I …
Jul 04 2017
Mostly Autumn | Sight Of Day
Many moons ago i trundled my way through the rain to see a band i had eagerly waited to see play for quite some time. It would have been around 2001 or even 2002 that i arrived at The Woodcutter pub to watch Mostly Autumn play. A few weeks prior i had purchased their new …