The Tangent | Songs From The Hard Shoulder.

  I was with the Tangent from the get go all those years ago despite in a totally inappropriate way.  I was given the bands first album The Music That Died Alone By a then friend who to my horror had downloaded it from a site called Bit Torrent. I say horror because this is …

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The shrinking world of The Progmeister.

Talented? Hell no, good at anything? Well, I would have to think about that. I have struggled academically all my life one way or another. However, I was born with compassion, love and the want to be liked in my soul. It is a very frustrating thing indeed to lack the numerical prowess and mental …

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The Progmeister’s top 20 2021.

  As the terminal frost of 2021 bites at our windshields and attacks our fingers, toes and temperaments it makes it all the easier to say good bye to what has been a trial for many and a chance to make good for the few. In our own little Prog community and music in general …

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On a positive note

2021 has been a difficult year for so many people myself included. However, as the year creeks and groans like an old galleon towards its demise, I care to reflect on the more positive things that got me through perhaps one of the most difficult years I’ve had personally in recent times. I have also …

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RIP David Longdon

  Many years ago, I was sent a disc to listen to by a friend. I remember commenting at the time how much like Phil Collins the singer sounded. Fast forwards a couple of years having listened to the disc only once I was visiting Andy Tillison at his then home in Otley who played …

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Dark Before Dawn | Tony Patterson & Doug Melbourne.

  Being part of a band who play complex early seventies progressive music with a high degree of accuracy and a steady fan base can sometimes hide from public view the real talent that lay behind such ventures. Tony Patterson and Doug Melbourne were until these past few years two fifths of Re-Genesis one of …

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Being the Progmeister

Sometimes I feel the need to pinch myself. A little over ten years ago I started a website to celebrate Progressive music or Prog Rock if you prefer. I came up with the moniker “The Progmeister” and began reviewing new music purchases and writing a blog. I am constantly surprised and humbled at what is …

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The Autumn of Prog.

As the chill of winter is beginning to make its presence felt and darkness descends upon the land, those of a certain age grow their hardy feathers and brave the cold evening air to pay homage to the gods of Prog who in their twilight years pedal their nostalgic wares with aplomb. Hey, I’m not …

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