Spock’s Beard – The X Tour Live

  Spock’s Beard are without doubt one of the best live bands i have seen and my views of their latest album X are well documented elsewhere in the album reviews section. However, playing live is much more their forte. Under scrutiny here is the limited edition delux version which includes two CD’s and a …

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Citizens Of Hope And Glory – Stephen Lambe

  From the outset i both enjoyed and despised this splendid publication as it is the book that i would love have written myself. The book is well researched, presented and concise. It is very pleasing to read fact and opinion without the usual high brow references to the pomposity and eccentricities of Prog. This …

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The Reasoning guitarist Owain Roberts Missing

  Police concerned for safety of missing Cardigan man Sun 11 Mar 2012 “Police are concerned for the safety of a missing man from Cardigan, who was last seen early yesterday morning, Saturday the 10th March 2012. Owain Roberts, 36 years old, is described as a white male, 5ft 10’ inches tall and of a …

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Matt Stevens | Relic

  Matt Stevens remains an enigma in musical terms. His debut album “Ghosts” represented a welcome change in the crop of albums released at the time. I don’t think Matt would mind me saying that his music is prog on a very small scale and really is a contrast to the the big boys of …

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Steve Hackett – The Sage, Gateshead

  The Sage in Gateshead is without doubt one of the best venues in the North East in which to stage any musical event and seems to lend itself perfectly to artists such as Prog icon Steve Hackett. This was the second time that the Progmeister crew had travelled to The Sage as true Hackett …

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Pete Bardens 1944-2002

  I remember it like yesterday, the full page advertisement in the Melody Maker with a picture of a camel clad in a space suit on it. It was early 1976 and I was a spotty faced apprentice. Mmmm, that looks interesting, Camel, Moonmadness, Live at Newcastle city hall. The album looked good too. I …

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Tony Patterson | Earthlight

I was sent the new album Earthlight-Music For Documentary & Film by the multi-talented Tony Patterson a few weeks ago with a list of instructions for its consumption. Many of Tony’s fans and followers know him as the front man for Re-Genes…

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Paidarion | Behind The Curtains

A few days after we posted our review of the Samurai Of Prog album Undercover, we received an email from drummer/multi-instrumentalist Kimmo Porsti who played extensively on the SOP project. He informed us of another project he is involved in called…

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