Magenta | The Twenty Seven Club.

  Relaeased on September 2nd is the latest album The Twenty Seven Club by Welsh Progsters Magenta. Being as i am a late convert to Magenta’s music iv’e had a lot of catching up to do. and that is exactly what i have been doing. Bringing myself bang up to date on the bands work …

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Return of The Progmeister!

  Many years ago shortly after Peter Gabriel left Genesis he decided that he wanted to simply retreat and grow cabbages. It was always something that stuck in my mind not realising at the time what on Earth would make someone feel that way. Shortly after I staged Promeister2 I had the same epiphany. I …

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Steve Hackett Box Set Release

    Box Set Release ****Box Set Release ****Box Set Release     GENESIS REVISITED SOLD OUT HAMMERSMITH SHOW TO BE RELEASED ON CD & DVD TO COINCIDE WITH OCTOBER UK TOUR   It takes a legend to bring a myth back to life. A unique treat for music fans worldwide, Steve Hackett’s critically acclaimed …

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The Tangent | Le Sacre Du Travail

  Forgive me for being one of the last ones out of the trap with regard to reviewing this album. I see that many have already posted their appraisals of The Tangent’s latest music chronicle and sonic adventure. Hat’s off to them. I found this one of the hardest of The Tangent’s albums to evaluate …

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Steve Hackett | Genesis Revisited II at The Sage Gateshead

  I seem to have been waiting for ever to see Steve Hackett perform the Genesis Revisited II concerts. On Wednesday May 15th of May i headed North from Teesside to one of the best music venues in the North East, The Sage in Gateshead to bring my wait to an end. The atmosphere in …

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Cabernet Sauvignon, pizza and Prog on Stokesley high street.

I have attended a lot of gigs lately the most gratifying being Steve Hackett’s Genesis revisited II at The sage Gateshead. However, it is the most unsuspecting local events that sometimes put a smile on your face without having to travel too far from home and pay a kings Ransom to watch. One such show …

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Spock’s Beard | Brief Nocturnes And Dreamless Sleep

  Spock’s beard have always been somewhat of an enigma to me. As a band they have always impressed me by keeping well within the prog idiom without attempting to be British as some American prog bands do and suffer as a consequence. spock’s Beard are a band rich in their own heritage and have …

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A fan’s day with The Spock’s

I was interested in what other peoples experience of the recent Spock’s Beard gigs were like so i persuaded fellow (lady) fan Helen Spooner to let me know about her encounter with the band. A big thanks to helen. Great to see and hear from lady Prog fans out there too. MY DAY WITH SPOCKS …

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