PROGMEISTER 3 | fund raising appeal


Fundraising appeal

Hopefully those of you who attended both of the previous Progmeister Festivals will remember just how good they were? It’s been over three years now since Progmeister 2 headed up by The Tangent and seeds have been sewn in this small though enthusiastic cranium to stage Progmeister 3. However, to do so i need to raise funds for such a venture and i am appealing to anyone with fundraising skills to assist with  me or sponsor the event. It is my intention to hold Progmeister 3 in the North East of England in a suitable venue which i hope to find very soon and attract some of the best in modern Prog to play. It is early days so i am in the initial stages of planning.

So, if you live in the North East and would like to see the best of modern Prog and some new, please get in touch and help make it happen.


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