Glacier | Ashes For The Monarch

Ever been in a club and a band has taken to the stage which makes you put down your drink and sit in amazement? Or been to watch a major band and been blown away by the support act?  Well, Glacier are one such band. It was so many years ago now that i first …

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Theo | The Game Of Ouroboros

  During the down time of Progmeister i we received a few albums for review that could not for technical reasons be reported on, This allowed more time than normal to listen to those albums that are to make it onto the review page. The one one that became the most addictive is The Game Of …

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Malware, terrorists and WordPress

  Hi all. Well as you can see Progmeister is now back online. Scary times we live in and the images posted by the hacker and Isis sympathizer really brought it home how worrying the situation is. However, i was as frustrated with the hosting company as i was with the the hacker. Well over …

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R.I.P. Edgar Froese

  In a truly sad bit of news Progmeister reports that Edgar Froese, the legendary founder of German electronic music pioneers Tangerine Dream, has passed away after suffering a pulmonary embolism, He was 70 years old. News of the musician’s death was shared via the group’s Facebook page today (January 23), with the post confirming …

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Steve Rothery | Ghosts Of Pripyat

  Marillion Axe man Steve Rothery seems to have developed something of a magic touch putting together as he has a formidable group of musicians that make up his live band. Having written an album of purely musical pieces what better thing to do than to get an already road tested band to help record …

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Steve Hackett album set for March release

  Music pioneer Steve Hackett has announced the release of his new solo album Wolflight. According to the man himself, this “wild pack of tracks – starting with a wolf cry – will be unleashed on the unsuspecting on 30th March 2015.” From a plaintive wolf cry to Steve embracing real wolves (see sleeve above), …

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The Progmeister’s view

Yer a fickle old bugger aren’t yer? was the conclusion to a most recent music debate in our village pubarama. In many ways i suppose i am. However, given that i am only a man and do not have the natural resilience, dexterity, sense of logic and the ability to multi-task like so many of …

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A very happy new year

  This will be my final post of 2014. Good riddens to it too. I have had a couple of personal tragedy’s and let let down my some. However, 2015 will be looked at as positive from here. Musically there are some great things to look forwards to. Paul Birchall has hinted at a new …

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