Steve Hackett Box Set Looking Good

Steve Hackett to re-issue box set collection of early recordings ‘Premonitions – The Charisma Recordings 1975-1983’   Steve’s 14 disc boxed set Premonitions – The Charisma Recordings 1975-1983 is now available to preorder on the Hackettsongs webstore. July 2015 Prog rock pioneer Steve Hackett has announced the release ‘Premonitions – The Charisma Recordings 1975-1983’, a …

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Colin Bass | At Wild End

  At Wild End Is the produce of a well co-ordinated pre-order campaign by Camel Bass man Colin Bass. Without doubt a gifted musician and producer Colin bass has a rich musical CV well earned and well deserved. At Wild End finds Colin taking a step back from his Camel persona and firmly entrenching himself …

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PROGMEISTER 3 | fund raising appeal

  Hopefully those of you who attended both of the previous Progmeister Festivals will remember just how good they were? It’s been over three years now since Progmeister 2 headed up by The Tangent and seeds have been sewn in this small though enthusiastic cranium to stage Progmeister 3. However, to do so i need …

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Big Big Train | Kings Place 14th August 2015

First of all i have a huge thanks to say to a certain Barbie Draper without whom i would not have been able to attend the Big Big Train gig performed in the delightful surroundings of Kings Place on Friday 14th August 2015. Her misfortune was my gain. Big Big Train tick a lot of …

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Moraz Alban Project | Patric Moraz & Greg Alban

  This album landed at Progmeister towers all the way from the states courtesy of Glass Onion who send a broad church of material for us to review. Moraz Alban Project (MAP) is the collaboration of keyboard ace Patrick Moraz and drummer Greg Alban. Patrick Moraz is best known for his brief membership of Prog …

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Canterbury Glass | Sacred Scenes And Characters

I was very fortunate recently to meet with Gordon Baldwin of Stamford Audio recently which due to my very pleasant surprise unearthed an enchanting musical experience.  Gordon and i were amidst conducting business when the subject of Prog came up during which he tantalized me with an album by a band he bet I’d never …

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Gilmour album set for September release

  Former Pink Floyd member David Gilmour will release his new solo album, Rattle That Lock on the 18th September. Gilmour follows the worldwide success of the Pink Floyd archive album The Endless River with his first solo album since 2006′s On An Island. The primary lyricist for the new album is Gilmour’s long-term writing …

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Andy Tillison in hospital

Tangent keyboard ace and friend of The Progmeister Andy Tillison has been admitted to Hospital after suffering a heart attack on Sunday evening (26th of July). Needless to say our thoughts are with him and his good lady sally and wish him a speedy recovery. I am sure that Andy’s spirit and determination which i …

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