Village Hall Magenta

For lovers of Magenta and IQ there is a little treat in store for you should you live in the North Yorkshire area. Check this out folks…  

A very happy new year from us all at team Progmeister.

I am not going to make an attempt at listing the beautiful people we have lost this year in both music and the arts as it has already been done numerous times artisticly and passionately. I will however lament the passing, loss and personal sorrow i feel that two musicians of a band that shaped …

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The Progmeister’s top Ten Albums of 2016.

What a year eh? In the music world it’s been a bloody awful one loosing as we have my all time hero Keith Emerson as well as legends David Bowie, Leonard Cohen, Roye Albrighton, Prince, Rod Temperton, James Woolley, Gilli Smith Greg Lake and most recently Rick Parfitt. This short list only scratches the surface …

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New Hackett album set for March

Steve Hackett: The Night Siren       Guitar virtuoso and rock legend, Steve Hackett (formerly of Genesis), releases his latest album The Night Siren on 24th March 2017 through InsideOut Music (Sony).  As implied in the title, The Night Siren is a wake-up call… the warning of a siren sounding in this era of …

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Christmas Progcast

It’s been a hell of a year for music and the arts in general losing so many wonderful legends. Indeed in the words of her majesty it has been an Annus Horriblus. With the most recent loss being Greg Lake it is fitting that we steer from our normal format of including new releases etc …

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Greg Lake 1947-2016

Too many times have i been lost for words this year and now yet again i find myself speechless. I actually have tears welling in my eyes as i type this as i did when i heard of Keith Emerson’s tragic death earlier in the year. Like Keith, Greg lake lake made a massive impression …

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November’s Progcast

  Ladies and gentlemen, “welcome back my friends to the show that never ends”. Join me Steve Petch AKA The Progmeister on Sunday 27th of November for my November Progcast on ARFM Rock Radio. It starts at 2pm through till 4pm. I will be playing a couple of tracks from the new Yello album “TOY …

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The Progmeister’s Progcast on ARFM Rock Radio

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