This will be my final post of 2014. Good riddens to it too. I have had a couple of personal tragedy’s and let let down my some. However, 2015 will be looked at as positive from here. Musically there are some great things to look forwards to. Paul Birchall has hinted at a new …
Category: Blog
Dec 13 2014
2014 | There it was, gone.
On a personal level 2014 for me has been an Annus Horribilis as our noble queen once said. Though to quote local hero John Miles “music pulled me through”. Sometimes when things are hurting and dare i say it, skies are gray, it becomes easy to turn to things that may make you worse …
Dec 08 2014
Progmeister album of the year 2014
Well, it’s that time of year again. This year seems to have been a little bit thin on the ground with Prog releases and majored more on live shows than hard copy. However, as the saying goes “quality not quantity. So here is the Progmeister’s top five albums of the year. 1. NORTHLANDS / Tony …
Oct 05 2014
Genesis revelations – Together & apart
My view of last nights Genesis documentary are already known to some. However, to the world my view is that too many omissions with regards to Steve Hackett’s huge body of solo work and his recent Genesis revisited work were nothing short of a scandal. It was good to see Mr Gabriel keeping Banks …
Sep 15 2014
The Meister’s Prog Chronicles
Rummaging in the attic recently i stumbled upon some old boxes that brought back many memories and emotions. Amongst the trinkets were some old concert programs, badges and ticket stubs from some of the most memorable gigs i attended over the years. It reaffirmed to me just how music chronicles your life and just …
Jun 02 2014
RIP Kathleen Herring Petch 19:06:1930-02:06:2014
Very sad day indeed. Kathleen Herring Petch otherwise know to myself and my big sister as “me mam” passed away after losing her battle with cancer. It has been a distressing time for us and we couldn’t have coped without the team of angels administering round the clock care allowing mum to pass away in …
Apr 01 2014
California Dreemin!
Mrs Meister recently attended a conference in LA and as i seriously needed to empty the contents of my cranium so i decided to travel with her for a mini break. I left all of my hardware such as mobile phone and laptop behind in the UK. Mmmm! how would i fair i asked myself? …
Dec 28 2013
That was the year that was!
Well, 2013 has been and gone. What i predicted to be a great year of Prog did not disappoint. In what has been a very difficult year for me personally on so many levels i have found solace in music as opposed to alcohol and mind numbing sedatives. With a very troubled and emotional year …