Category: Blog

On a positive note

2021 has been a difficult year for so many people myself included. However, as the year creeks and groans like an old galleon towards its demise, I care to reflect on the more positive things that got me through perhaps one of the most difficult years I’ve had personally in recent times. I have also …

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Being the Progmeister

Sometimes I feel the need to pinch myself. A little over ten years ago I started a website to celebrate Progressive music or Prog Rock if you prefer. I came up with the moniker “The Progmeister” and began reviewing new music purchases and writing a blog. I am constantly surprised and humbled at what is …

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The Autumn of Prog.

As the chill of winter is beginning to make its presence felt and darkness descends upon the land, those of a certain age grow their hardy feathers and brave the cold evening air to pay homage to the gods of Prog who in their twilight years pedal their nostalgic wares with aplomb. Hey, I’m not …

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My Prog Pandemic.

In my last blog I discussed how the pandemic appears to have honed the production and creative skills of many musicians. Such an almost science fiction scenario in which we find ourselves living could only spell misery surely? Well, my own experience has been a very mixed bag and despite the whole world being in …

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The Covid leveller

  No, it’s not a song from the new Tangent album or a statement from Boris, just a personal observation of the current state of affairs in general, though more so in my beloved passion for music. This notion began last year whilst listening to Pendragon’s rather wonderful Love Over Fear album. It made me …

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If music be the spice of life…..

It will come as little surprise to those nearest and dearest that I am a dyed in the wool whisky lover. I mention this because I was once told by the head honcho of the Whisky club of Great Britain or some such institute that, and I quote “one should never drink a good malt …

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Pandemic Prog

  So, as we enter the apocalypse of rising sea levels, melting ice caps, a global pandemic and a worldwide financial meltdown. Death, decay violence and murder high on the agenda both in reality and via media and home entertainment. Celebrities basking in their own importance and self-gratifying needs complete with bright white teeth and …

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Not so happy new year

2021 started pretty much as I expected it to following the none events that were Christmas and new year. Like many, the worry of severe financial problems in my case none pandemic related, the brake down of a family relationship and saddened by a family death I was already finding it very hard to stay …

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