On a personal level 2014 for me has been an Annus Horribilis as our noble queen once said. Though to quote local hero John Miles “music pulled me through”. Sometimes when things are hurting and dare i say it, skies are gray, it becomes easy to turn to things that may make you worse …
Dec 08 2014
Progmeister album of the year 2014
Well, it’s that time of year again. This year seems to have been a little bit thin on the ground with Prog releases and majored more on live shows than hard copy. However, as the saying goes “quality not quantity. So here is the Progmeister’s top five albums of the year. 1. NORTHLANDS / Tony …
Nov 16 2014
Pink Floyd | The Endless River (vinyl)
Perhaps in many ways the most important album for many people in the world this year will be The Endless River, Pink Floyd’s swan song and final offering under such a ubiquitous marque. A predominantly music orientated album David Gilmour has still managed to tackle the issue of in-fighting and turbulence within the Pink Floyd …
Nov 10 2014
Northlands | Tony Patterson & Brendan Eyre
It’s amazing and sometimes heart warming when you haven’t seen a baby for a while only to be presented with a toddler and eventually a fully grown adult. It causes you to reflect on their childhood, their youth and ultimately their maturity. Northlands is just such an experience. I have followed this project with …
Oct 29 2014
Steve Hackett | York Barbican October 26th 2014
Having already seen two shows on the Genesis Revisited Juggernaut i hadn’t intended to travel to any of the extended tour gigs. However, my recent disappointment with BBC’s Genesis documentary and blog ramblings there of didn’t go unnoticed by team Hackett so off to York i went to watch the band perform a slightly different …
Oct 10 2014
Snake Davis Band | Middlesbrough Town Hall Crypt
I got a message from Paul Birchall a few days ago to remind me that he would be playing a gig at Middlesbrough Town Hall Crypt with the Snake Davis band and i simply couldn’t resist the opportunity to see Snake Davis again after the last one i attended in Stokesley a few months ago. …
Oct 05 2014
Genesis revelations – Together & apart
My view of last nights Genesis documentary are already known to some. However, to the world my view is that too many omissions with regards to Steve Hackett’s huge body of solo work and his recent Genesis revisited work were nothing short of a scandal. It was good to see Mr Gabriel keeping Banks …
Sep 15 2014
The Meister’s Prog Chronicles
Rummaging in the attic recently i stumbled upon some old boxes that brought back many memories and emotions. Amongst the trinkets were some old concert programs, badges and ticket stubs from some of the most memorable gigs i attended over the years. It reaffirmed to me just how music chronicles your life and just …