Back from the brink!


The Progmeister

Massive apologies for delays of album reviews and indeed my lack of contribution to the Progmeister website over the past couple of months. Since Progmeister2 on June 9th i have had many things to consider and even agonised whether to continue with Progmeister or not. Over the past couple of the month i have had to deal with some personal and professional issues which left me with fewer opportunities for writing and general creativity. After much consideration and some very kind words from my North East Prog Collective colleagues and one of my sons i have decided to continue as best i can with the Progmeister website. Please fee free to contact me at the site should you have any constructive criticism or suggestions of ways i can improve the site or anything that you feel should be included. or alternatively if you think i should simply call it a day.

With regard to any further progmeister festivals, the need for input from external agencies will be vital from both a financial and logistical point of view. However, this may not rule out some smaller event which i have some ideas about. I do have to admit to a certain degree of despondancy of late with regard to my own personal situation as described above and the frustrations that go hand in hand with keeping music live. Not least getting people to attend gigs which especially in the North East. This is something that i don’t take personally as i know only too well how difficult it can be sometimes trying to get to events. Having missed the recent Cambridge Rock Festival and Ian Fairholme’s Eppifest due to my work commitments in the NHS. However, when many offer to support such events then don’t turn up it does tend to dent one’s enthusiasm.

Having said all this, i have to quote John Miles when he wrote “Music Is My First Love”, and these past couple of weeks i have been having a little me time with regard to music. Being a total vinyl head and self confessed Hi-Fi bore i have totally immersed myself selfishly in many different musical forms other than Prog and i honestly believe that by doing so allowed my on-board organic batteries became re-charged. This and some great people i am lucky to have in my life brought The Progmeister back from the brink. In true John Peel tradition though i will continue to bring to your attention lesser known Prog artists as well as the more established icons and their latest projects and performance.

To conclude may i just say a big thank you to the many bands that send albums for review. The Progmeister policy is that of little negativity and if during a review that such things as production quality, musicality, technique or competency are an issue then the review will bot be posted. This also applies to some artists who which to be classed as Prog and clearly are not. There is some notable exceptions who fit just within the Prog parameter and have created something something special and will be given dispensation. Knowing only too well the effect that negative comment can have on an artist i would rather not include an album for review believing that anyone who has taken time to create, record and send their baby to me for review has feelings and passion. The review policy at Progmeister will remain honest and time consuming due to intensive listening and research. In addition i may step up my interview campaign so watch this space. Thanks for reading this missive and for the continuing support of the North East Prog collective. keep on Progging!


Peace and love to you all.

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